Rapper from australia, mum was a working girl (hoe) dad was a criminal and a drunk, at the same time maintained a job till I was 8, then the old man had to split, I guess he seen the house he was living in and paying for and that played with his head abit
As it would if I was working and doing bad shit on the side to provide for a family, and the mother ain’t looking after my kids instead she doing drugs and slapping the kids down and screaming at them
then fuck it, I’m out too, mum to blame for this one.
Least he could of done was drop us off at the fire station or some shit
Anyways that was the time everything caught up and the family fell apart, even though it was already broken it’s not that like were a family in the first place, family’s like ours pretend to be family’s but really we people who stuck together and deal with it,
we ain’t like each other is what it is tho
I didn’t look up to them or like them, kinda hoped they’d die on the way home from the clubs so our life would change, i idolised Eminem and 50 cent as father figures as a kid, I really didn’t have a dad or mum to look upto
I had idols instead and goals to kick aye
I grew up around it all, bikers, dealers, police harrasment, as a teenager i ran away from home a lot, the usual shit, partys, my older brothers friends where my friends so as a teen i was around the wanna be gangsters and some real Gs you can tell the real Gs from the wanna bes pretty easily,
The real ones don’t promote they real, they just are, the wanna bes well they just wanna be
anyways, the blessing is artistry and a poety ran in my blood from both sides
So i did grew up in shit but made sure I’d water the beautiful rose in it every day
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