Eddie Santillanez @Cananense
1 song
1 song
So I've always had a love for music even as a kid, growing up in Mexico you hear music constantly being played at pretty high volume in the house most of the day, so at 12 i started to fullfil a dream of mine to learn how to play guitar but i couldn't afford lessons and neither could my parents so i would look up pictures of chords for guitar at the library in school print them out and i would practice everyday to the point my fingers would get blisters i mean i was dedicated i learned how to keep the tempo and sing very early on i almost didn't know how to play the chords and i would try to at least humm or make some kind of noise following my guitars lead. Song righting was another challenge on it's one one thing is learning the movements that bring up the sound You want but now you have to make it you own and add your touch of yourself this i felt I've reached a point where i have would decide its ok if I can't write and sing my own music for people and man how would they react what feeling would they experience it wall all so interesting and for a while i was in the mind set that you need to be a professional i mean i am good enough i can play the song i love to listen to and people like that so i decided to ask myself how, would i even understand it would i be good at it probably not but I'll give it a try and see how it goes, well we are still in that proces i have 4 songs I've decided 2 months learning how to make some pretty decent music it's not great but for someone who just started i feel like it's progress so the work continues the struggle only make me want to make this happen even more i know it's a long shot and i probably won't be rucha ND famous but that's not why i want to make music i mean i would enjoy to see some money from it cuz that would allow me to continue making what i love to make but that is it the reason why I make music is because i truly love it, money and fame are not things easily obtained and i an ok with that, as long as people listen to the expression of my artist inside and keep the dream avile i am living my greatest dream doing what i truly love.